Oddly enough, VII is actually the FIRST game I EVER played on PS1. The whole story and the protagonist's journey through self-discovery is so fascinating to me. I really love that character because I see so much of myself in it like hardcore: He's completely fucked up and emotionally unavailable... perhaps a bit sexually confused? lol. He's emo. Cloud is the original emo. He's a puppet. He's fake. He's a creation, an artificial person. Half of what he says is the perpetuation of lies and the other half is so heart-felt and sincere that you become woven into this gorgeous pattern of crazybeautiful: endless possibilities of an infinite reality. That's me. A fake and tough-yet-vulnerable, confused 21-year-old emo boi. That was me at 12 and it still is.
Don't get me started on the soundtrack; it's easily Nobuo's finest work. It amazes me that I've literally re-played VII a dozen times and it intrigues me THOROUGHLY each time. It really is the story that captures my interest because it's such a unique departure from the predictable shallow storyline of many games. It doesn't venture too far off either though because the themes are still universal; the depth of the plot just supersedes anything before it. It's so much more than 'just' a video game--again-- the story here is so fantastic. Love! Carry on!