When naming the premier female pop star of today, what singers come to mind? Kelly Clarkson?
Mariah Carey?
Carrie Underwood?
...Hannah Montana? These ladies have all sold an excess of 5 million records in the last 2 years alone, but one of them is not a real person; take a guess.
Hannah Montana is a fictional character created in 2006 by The Walt Disney Company in attempt to further tap the tween audience of 12-year-old girls and sexual confused boys. The boys aren’t the only ones confused! The real life actress and faux-pop star behind the glamour is Miley Cyrus, a southern sweetheart who shares her first name with her TV character, Miley Stewart, who happens to have the alternate ego Hannah Montana. *cricket*
Even Billboard Magazine, the holy book of the music industry, was bedazzled as how to list Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart/Miley Cyrus on its charts. All of this confusion adds to the ultimate question: how has this Hannah Montana phenomenon swept across the country? Ask General Manager of Hollywood Records, Abbey Konowitch and he’d surely gawk of what a great role model Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart/Miley is for young girls (…don’t forget the boys!) Disney’s entire bankability lies in keeping Little Miss Miley as innocent as they can for as long as possible. Cocaine, nude photos, gay rumors… OH MY! All in good time.

With Miley, there is no rivalry because her entire shtick is all about the quirkiness and feel-good sentiment of an ordinary-girl-by-day turned pop star at night. Can’t see you see how every tween girl in America can relate!?! Ahem. So far, Miley has hit a home run with her teeny-bopper Disney umbrella (eh!), but time will only tell who the “real” Miley is. Expect a semi-angry rock girl album next fall, or maybe a this-is-the-real-me hip-hop record in ‘09. Ya think?