Ok. What the fuck? Seriously who the fuck goes crazy and starts shootin people? I'm over it. Get a fucking life!!!
I seriously believe this rising amount of insane idiots that flip out and gun down people is a DIRECT correlation of how the media GLORIFIES them. The media is a media whore in and of itself. Every time one of these OUTRAGEOUS events happens, its blown so far out of decent proportion and continues to pander to the fears and insecurities of the general public. The murderer is portrayed in the media as some faux martyr who was "disturbed" and had a rough life *vomit* so there's this hint of justification in his massacre. There's no excuse.
SOME people need to get the FUCK over the fact that they momma's only hugged them 8 times a day instead of the recommended 12. WAHH!!! Get the fuck over it. You're 18, 21 and 24. GET ON UP!!! You're not the only person in the world that had a bad day! You don't see MY broke ass flippin out and shootin people. It's called reality! Deal with it.
But I am the most frustrated with and UTTERLY disgusted that the media releases pictures of these assholes and investigates their family and back story; they go beyond measure to find some epic history on these murderers. It's appalling, really. It really is. Then you have Americans who are SO shocked that some Rtard went ballistic... uh... HELLO? It's his last pathetic chance to have some "claim-to-fame," some crown of media coverage upon his otherwise pitiful existence. It's celebration is what it is. The media celebrates these events.
Follow the money: breaking stories of mass killings draw viewers. Viewers are consumers who will buy what you tell them to: Advertising is the Mark of the Beast. "While you're grieving... BUY THIS PRODUCT, you'll feel better... just in time to buy THAT product." Soon we'll all have chips in us to make our buying more efficient. I don't call a second death and eternal damnation "efficient." The media is a gaggle of panderers, worse than murderers. They sell and benefit from death, famine, and destitution while never having to answer for it. I tell you THEY WILL answer for it, oh my Jesus they WILL answer for it! omg... Sweet Jesus he's comin!!!
"Have you no sense of decency!?"
I seriously believe this rising amount of insane idiots that flip out and gun down people is a DIRECT correlation of how the media GLORIFIES them. The media is a media whore in and of itself. Every time one of these OUTRAGEOUS events happens, its blown so far out of decent proportion and continues to pander to the fears and insecurities of the general public. The murderer is portrayed in the media as some faux martyr who was "disturbed" and had a rough life *vomit* so there's this hint of justification in his massacre. There's no excuse.
SOME people need to get the FUCK over the fact that they momma's only hugged them 8 times a day instead of the recommended 12. WAHH!!! Get the fuck over it. You're 18, 21 and 24. GET ON UP!!! You're not the only person in the world that had a bad day! You don't see MY broke ass flippin out and shootin people. It's called reality! Deal with it.
But I am the most frustrated with and UTTERLY disgusted that the media releases pictures of these assholes and investigates their family and back story; they go beyond measure to find some epic history on these murderers. It's appalling, really. It really is. Then you have Americans who are SO shocked that some Rtard went ballistic... uh... HELLO? It's his last pathetic chance to have some "claim-to-fame," some crown of media coverage upon his otherwise pitiful existence. It's celebration is what it is. The media celebrates these events.
Follow the money: breaking stories of mass killings draw viewers. Viewers are consumers who will buy what you tell them to: Advertising is the Mark of the Beast. "While you're grieving... BUY THIS PRODUCT, you'll feel better... just in time to buy THAT product." Soon we'll all have chips in us to make our buying more efficient. I don't call a second death and eternal damnation "efficient." The media is a gaggle of panderers, worse than murderers. They sell and benefit from death, famine, and destitution while never having to answer for it. I tell you THEY WILL answer for it, oh my Jesus they WILL answer for it! omg... Sweet Jesus he's comin!!!
"Have you no sense of decency!?"