Where is she already? Who would have thought that Mariah Carey of all people would be missing in action for almost 2 years since the winding down of her last album. It seems like forever! She's wise though because this new record is being watched like a HAWK with anticipation from radio programmers, Grammy execs, and the fans alike.
It's all playing out and setting up JUST like The Emancipation of Mimi, which so far, is a good thing. Around Christmas, you don't even need a new Mariah Carey album because you have PLENTY of her songs on the radio, particularly "All I Want For Christmas is You" which blares in my ear morning, noon, and night. All of this is actually more for Mariah's benefit that she DIDN'T bum-rush the record like Mary J. Blige did. And may I just say, Mary is getting her ass SPANKED by Alicia Keys.
So, as of today, there is no album title, no leaked song, no single selected, and no video shot. Harkening back to 2001, we all know why Mariah has to keep a lid on this shit. Do we really need another Glitter fiasco: stolen songs, Tommy Motolla, angry diva's, and flopped albums. *cringe* no thank you!