Thursday, November 29, 2007

Er... Replaceable

Beyonce is the whore of the music industry. Surpassing even Madonna in her glory days as the most desperate, packaged-for-sale artist, the product THAT IS Beyonce has irked me for years.

Post-Black Friday, the re-re-release of Beyonce’s B’Day re-entered the Billboard 200 selling an astonishing 73,000 copies (up from 4,000 the previous week.) Wow. People must have really been interested in her album… or not. TURNS OUT, Wal*Mart, the worlds largest company, had Beyonce’s disc specially priced at a ridiculous $4.99, the only album this weekend available for such a bargain. Upon hearing this, I scratched my head and yawned. How predictable: Beyonce needs a super-discount to sell an album people OTHERWISE never would have bought. *Yawn*

I grow weary of the games these media-whore’s play to bend, twist, and skew facts and figures to make themselves look better. I remember a day when this was disdained and found appalling by not only the general public, but from members within the music industry. The Debbie Gibson’s and Jennifer Lopez’s of the business NEVER won Grammy’s because they were dismissed as not even real arists.

Apparently the tide has turned and being an over-promoted product garners a person like Beyonce 10 Grammy’s! I find it hilarious how nobody says a word about it, or the fact that BeYAWNce—as I like to call her— is not above Paula Abdul, J.Lo or Britney Spears in terms of artistry. I’d actually place a cracked-out Britney Spears over Beyonce in a heartbeat. Britney Spears is a product and has always been self-aware of her limitations as a writer and as a singer. Even with disposable pop songs, I get a sense of authenticity from Spears that she sincerely believes everything she’s singing. And she never announced to the world that she’s some amazing songwriter.

Beyonce? That ho sounded with trumpets that she’s written every song she’s ever sung. LMFAO. She has her name placed on songs that it has no business being there.

Take a look at this old clip showing Beyonce's producer GIVING her lyrics as she scrambles to write them down. Songwriter my ass! Also note that Beyonce didn’t even know there was auxiliary in the track.

It’s worse than Lauryn Hill!

For those who don’t know, Lauryn Hill went to court (and lost) for taking the production names off her album in order to list herself as sole producer; the SAME album she won 5 Grammy’s for. Beyonce and her daddy, manager Papa Knowles, have been accused time and again for falsifying information. The most famous being when Beyonce boasted how she had written “Irreplaceable” on a whim after being inspired by her role in Dreamgirls. Oops! Turns out is was written by Ne-Yo, M. Eriksen, T. Hermansen, Beyonce, E. Lind, and A. Bjørklund.

6 writers.

Check out this infamous radio interview where Ne-Yo inadvertently exposes Beyonce’s little-to-no involvement in writing the #1 hit.

The truth is revealed! Beyonce is the whore of the biz. Lying, stealing, and hoing herself to the top, all while not having a bit of humility. Beyonce is just the aborted offspring of Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey. Everything Beyonce tries to do has already been done by bigger and better artists. What a betch.