Sunday, November 9, 2008
Raspberry Dawn
I reached into my pocket, penetrating the opening in the tiny slit that should be the size of a pocket but never is. Have you noticed they started making pockets smaller? And I’m talking jean pockets. They’re so godamn small it makes me sick. I mean, are you kidding me? Seriously. It’s like you try to reach for your phone and by some grace of God you get it on that last ring, or you fucking break your hand trying to get to it. I swear. And they don’t even care either because everyone just bitches about it when it happens but you never think about any other time.
Or how about when your total is like $4.98 and you’re trying to get rid of your cash and you know you have three pennies but when you try to reach for them, you never find them because the pockets are too damn small. And of course there’s a line and people are giving you that “I-hate-you” look like they’re going to strangle you over a Clark Bar. I hate pennies.
I remember this one time I was at Goodwill and for some reason there were a whole bunch of people there that normally wouldn’t have been there. And the lines were really long, well one line. Oh! It was half-off day and everything in the store was like half-off. I remember because I hit up four Goodwills that day. The one in Heartland, the one in Plainfield which sucks but I always sucker myself into going thinking that each time will be the time I actually find something good. I never have. You know, I think I honestly never found one thing ever in that Goodwill. Ever. Just, ever. Oh! And the one on West Washington street, the ghetto one, and the one in Greenwood.
For all the thrifting I did that day, I don’t think I really found anything. I just know that all the old ladies and carpetbaggers already hit ‘em up and all the good shit was snatched by some grandma reaching for that fine-quality. I have nightmares of people buying something I want at Goodwill, worse is the D.A.V. I’m nearly in tears when I think about some grandma buying MY grandma jewelry box. Just because she’s a grandma doesn’t’ give her the right to buy up everything that has a hint of grandma to it. I mean, can you not save some for the rest of us? Seriously.
Anyway, I found this amazing purple globe, it was pretty small but really, really nice and it was in the old sailing style like the oceans were “mar” and stuff and it was really nice. Oh and Russia was “Tatar” and it was really cool. So I snatched it up and it was $4.98 or something and I needed those mythical three pennies. Now, I KNOW that I had three pennies but I was wearing my super-girlie emo jeans I got from Goodwill. OH! That’s what I got that day! A really cute pair of girlie jeans that are so effing tight I swear. So cute. And cheap! They were like $4.98 or something. So I was looking for these pennies, searching for these pennies and I couldn’t because the pants were so tight so I just gave up and swiped my card. Those godamn pennies! The bane of my existence.
“Hey, which one was the one that tastes like grandma’s cough syrup?” I yelled into the phone.
“Uhh… hold on… no, I think it was the black cherry.” T protested.
“No, because that’s what we said last time and…”
“Yeah, hold on”
“…and it ended up tasting grandma”
“K says that it’s Black cherry”
“Black cherry what?”
“Black cherry that what?”
“That’s what I just…”
“Black cherry that tastes like grandma”
“Oh, ok. No! because that’s what we got last time and it was like downing Nyquil and if…”
Silence. That fucker hung up on me! Fuck him! Wait. The phone is probably jank and died or something. No! He’s just a douche and dropped it or something. I swear to God he’s such a fucking idiot. Well not really, he just acts like one. Just because you act like something doesn’t mean you are, right? Maybe. I mean, like you can be something but just because you are that in one instance doesn’t mean you always are. Yeah! And you can seem a certain way, like people might think you are a bitch, but you might just be having a bad day. It’s not your fault you are a bitch. I mean, yeah, you can control it sometimes, but show me a person who isn’t a betch at least some of the time for no reason. It just happens. And if you had a bad day on top of that, oh gawd the fire and brimstone. So, to clarify, it’s ok to be a bitch to people sometimes, they’ll get over it later.
The phone rings. It’s T
“…omg. Ok. Sorry.” He laughs. “I dropped the bowl and we had to pull over to find it.”
“Ha! Omg are you kidding me? Fatass! Put down the McDonalds, the bowl, that glass of wine…”
T laughs.
“…that cigarette”
“Actually we just got McDonalds and K is smoking a cigarette.” He laughs.
“it’s a clove!” K yells into the phone, stressing the difference.
“And I am finishing up that bottle of wine we—you—got last night. Hell yes!”
“So Oliver is good?”
“Why yes, Uncle Oliver is doing great. He’s, he’s doing just fine!” We laugh.
“Hell yes! So…”
“C called me”
“Oh? What did…”
“She said she’s home”
“Cool. Home where?”
“Oh… What’s she doing?”
Now, I knew perfectly well what she was doing, but the truth is, I’m not in the mood for her bag of bullshit. She’s either in a puss mood or in a great mood. You never know. You can never tell. And that’s the worst. I’m not in the mood. I’m not gambling. I’m over it. I bet she was sitting at home on her fat doing nothing when some cute guy gave her his number. Or she was hanging out with her cousin doing something that has nothing to do with anything and sounds annoying just thinking about it.
The truth is, she wasn’t always like that. Actually, she was. She’s always been like that. She’s all over the place really. A real crazy, bi-polar bitch. But I love her. I guess. I mean, if she died, I’d definitely go to her funeral, but I’d rather not hang out with her. She annoys me, honestly. She thinks that nobody understands what it’s like to be a twenty-something and not know what you’re going to do with your life, and because she’s black that people owe her something. You know how it goes. Even though all her friends are white. She keeps it that way so she can always distinguish herself from everyone else and not have to act like she belongs. It’s just an excuse for her not dating anyone ever. Literally. She’s still a virgin and everything, and she’s two years older than me.
What gets me is that it’s the same bag of bullshit over and over really. Every two months or so she’s in a different mood. Every minute really. But every two or three months she’s like a different person, it’s exhausting. It’s like: who are you this week? Did I catch you on a good day or are you going to be all puss? Go hang out with your black friends or something.
“Oh, you know. Should I call her back?”
“Uck.” I replied, disgusted. “I’m not in the mood for her bag of bullshit.
T laughs. “Yeah…”
“Call her.”
He laughs again. “Ok. I’ll have K call her back when we get back home”
“Yeah, whatever. Anyway, what’s it gonna be, eh?”
“…huh? What are you talking about?”
“It’s from a book and omg what fucking flavor do you want?”
“Omg you haven’t boughten it yet?”
“Omg no because someone’s fatass dropped their phone in their pussy and had to pull over!”
“Oh whatever!”
“Whatever your whatever, I’m over it! I’m getting Kami anyway. It’s cheaper. Deal”
T laughs.
“Ok. He’s getting Kami!”
“Hell yes!” yelled K.
“Ok I’m out. And tell K to please save a clove for me.”
“She will.”
“Thanks! Ok bye bitch!”
I could feel the glare of the guy behind the counter. He thinks I’m getting alcohol for underage kids. Whatever, that’s such fucking bullshit. I am, but that’s still fucking bullshit. He has no right to insinuate that I would do something like that. I’m not the kind of person who does things like that. I’m a law abiding citizen when I want to be. So what, who cares? Like that’s the worst thing I’ve ever done. Like that’s the worst thing anyone’s ever done in the history of the world.
There are so much worse things; killing baby seals. Or all the CEO’s sitting on piles and piles of money while people are starving. Or that the Yellow River in China floods every year and kills a billion people but nobody cares. Like I could do anything to prevent it or help those people. It’s not my problem, but it is. What I mean is it’s not my place to try to help them because I can’t do anything. Those CEO’s and people in positions of power are the ones supposed to be doing something and helping them, you know? And this douche behind the counter is trying to say that I’m worse off than them because I’m buying alcohol for some fucking friends. Who cares if they’re underage? They drink anyway if I buy it for them or not. Yeah, it’s totally my fault. I’m so sure.
"I’m hungry."
I’m hungry but somewhere in this city someone is starving. Somewhere in this world people are starving, dying, and all I can think about is fastfood. Fatfood. Fatass. Somewhere in this world there is a person starving, a faceless person. My nameless fear, that I’m just like them. I’m no better off dying in this city, starving. I’m dying. I’m really dying. I’m going to die and all I can think about is french fries.
“McDonalds sounds good. No. Tacohell” Good save.
“Ok,” says T.
“Thanks.” I’ll live another day, but who cares, I’m dying today and I won’t live to see another day anyway if I die of starvation like all those African children. I can just see the flies everywhere. In their eyes, in their ears. I can taste them in my mouth, the emptiness of flies.
“But isn’t that the one off of 465?” K says out of nowhere.
“What?” T doesn’t understand “Oh, no that’s 65.” I always found it interesting how T can just pickup on anything we say. Blurts from nowhere about nothing were his specialty. I think we’ve been hanging out too much.
“69,” I correct them.
They laugh
“No really, it’s I-69”
“But I thought that Tacohell was the one under the interstate,” K says, concerned
“It is.” I try to tell her, but she’s seems puzzled.
Flies everywhere.
“It’s ok, we’re going to McDonalds anyway.”
“I thought we were going to Tacohell?” T interjects, confused.
Flies on flies flying around, choking me.
“No, I’m not hungry.”
I can’t breathe.
I need air.
“Hey K, can I steal a cigarette?”
“They’re cloves.”
“Yay! Please?” She reaches into the box and pops one out just slightly for me.
“Sure, here.”
I take the cigarette and she lights it for me, attempt one.
“Here.” K wraps her hands around the lighter, shielding it as the wind blows thru the window, smothering the cigarette and my patience.
“Fucking bitch!” I yell.
T laughs. “Use mine!” he says, oblivious to the fact that no lighter could overcome the amount of air circling the wind tunnel of this car.
“I got it, here” K gives me her cigarette, her precious clove, and ducks into the floor of the car.
T laughs.
Now, K is and has always been—and I’m sure will always be—a drifter. A real Bohemian type, very European. A wildflower amongst the weeds of society. She’s outgoing to the point that she’s secluded; awkward and uncensored. K plays hopscotch across people’s uninviting toes. Every other person loves her, the ones in between fail to notice her sarcasm and stand appalled by her free spirit.
She emerges triumphantly! the lit clove in her mouth is a sign of victory.
“Thanks, babe, you’re amazing”
“I know, right?” She says half-heartedly.
“Hey T, you want it? I don’t feel like it”
“Uht.” K is crushed.
“Sure! I’ll take it” They laugh.
I watch as they attempt to discuss the significance of the Mayan calendar in foretelling the end of the world. 2012. Back and forth. It goes on forever. It’s the same every night. If the world is ending, I hope it will hurry up already, I’m tired of hearing about it. I’m so bored I could die.
As I stare out the car window, the wind blowing in my face, I see all the old factories, some still running. I hope my face doesn’t’ get wind-burnt. I wonder what’s in those plants. Do they make cans? Cars? No, that’s Detroit. What about the can of creamed corn at the center of the universe? Will anyone ever open it? I see a classic abandoned factory, a million square glass windows. Do you think the workers could see out of them while they worked? Did they always get their breaks on time? I wonder how Nashville is doing. It’s been a while. I hope the world does end in 2012. At least I won’t have to worry about student loans.
I wonder what A is doing. A was always my favourite. But lately we're just not clicking. I find myself just marking his texts as read and quickly putting them out of my mind. It's an obsession. How fast can I check a text without reading it and how fast can I pretend to forget about it. A race to erase him as quickly as possible. It's a lot of work to act like you don't care about someone you love. Like I'm not avoiding him, I'm just trying to avoid him. There's a difference. Like if I was avoiding him completely I wouldn't care, but since i'm trying to avoid him, I still do care emencely.
The reason is because I don't want him involved in what's going on right now. The same ol same old. It would tear us apart. Instead, I'm the one doing the tearing. It's better that way. When you are aware of what's going on and in control, you can always stop and reverse the process at any time. I can stop the charade but then I'll be bored as fuck. And we can't have that now can we? I will stop it in time. A is counting on me. He needs me to take care of them. I'll be back when it's over. It's all up to me.
So on a night like this it's easy to just sit back and let go knowing you are in control. The war memorial was alway my favourite. Well not really, it's my new favourite. It's a monument to the dead. Those fallen in WWII or whatever. If only I had died in that war again I wouldn't have to envy them and their gorgeous monument. I always wanted to live in a palace and wanted people to envy my home. The steps are my favourite. Flights of stone lifting people higher and higher until they finally meet me in the sky below the tomb. That is the kind of experience I want all my visitors to have. It's important for my death to be memorable and a dramatic perpetuation of stone and steps.
"Yeah I know." a visitor walks up the steps.
"I'm just not ready to go back." Another visitor in the shadow. He laughs.
"Yeah I know." the visitor on the steps chants.
"I don't care if we just got out." He laughs again.
"Yeah I know." At least she responds. K always tried to be polite
"It's just that I'm over it. This last semester was one of my worst." T exclaims.
I know exactly what T is talking about. We are always synched.
"It's only your second semester, you ass!" I blurt out. I always love bursting peoples' bubbles. T laughs and jumps from one stone bench to the other. I hope I don't mind. It's ok for tonight, he can skip across my monument tonight. It's just one night.
"My 4th you whore! Get your shit grrrl!"
K is unphased filming a music video in the moonlight. The crew got here early and set up some gorgeous equipment to get some great light. This will be her best. She walks across the deis and descends the other side leaving me and T by ourselves. Finally some peace and quiet. We need to talk.
"So, about that. Seriously. What did you end up getting anyway?" I ask T
He laughs. "Well. Let's see. wow. One A. Two B's"
"That's good!"
"Oh honey... we won't discuss the rest." We laugh.
K in the distance filming her closeups in the courtyard. I need to edit her quickly. We must move on. Just a minute. I have to know more. I have to hear this visitor's marks.
"Was the absolute worst, even worse than last year in Bloomington. I'm so glad I'm out of the dorms again. Never again. Kiss my ass!" Turns out he was talking the whole time. What the fuck was he talking about? I'm such a bad friend. Seriously what was he talking about? The grades? His dorm? Some guy? He mentioned dorm. Dorm. Go with dorm. Who wants to live in a dorm? Disgusting.
"Yeah I know. That dorm was disgusting" I'm a good friend.
T laughs. "This place is amazing just look at it. I can see a music video here, look."
Little did he know that K was already filming a video right now on my monument. It's going to be her best video yet. And it's all because of me. If only i can get the editing right.
"Where's K?" I ask in passing.
"I dunno." Liar. She's been filming a video this entire time and he doesn't even know! What an idiot! No wonder he is doing so shitty is school. Fucking idiot. He's been watching this entire time, the lights, the set, the moonlight is perfect. I can't believe he doesn't even know she's spending millions of dollars shooting a music video on my memorial! Here he is in the middle of the greatest project in the history of humanity and he can't even see it. I must make him see it! I grab his hand and we run down the steps.
The sky is beautiful. One step. T laughs.
"Hold up!" Another step.
"Wait! I'm going to..." T interjects. Another
I ignore him and run faster down the stairs. They are endless. Each step another fallen hero hurling us into the sky. Each step a spirit casting all his hopes and dreams on me to protect the temple. I must rescue them and keep them alive in memorium
"J!" T exclaims. Another step. We're almost there.
"I love you guys." K professes her love to all of nature.
"I love you too, babe." The truth is I really do. I adore her. She's my divine inspiration. She can do anything. K is quite a spectacle. She's a goddess really. She'll make a great statue.
"I love you guys, you are my best friends. Yer my family too." T's epiphany.
The moonlight thru the trees inspired me to breathe again. I've never breathed in my entire life because I was saving it for this moment. It's just right. The moon loves me tonight. She has made me her child in the wood, this glorious courtyard is all mine. I have to only share it with K and T. I want to. I want to share it. Not just so she will think that I want to share, but so the Moon understands that's how I truly feel. I want to share it with them because it's the right thing to do. God understands, so she should too. And she will. I wonder what A is doing.
"What are we going to do?" K asks somberly. She's always asking questions. That's why she never has any answers. If you're constantly asking questions, you never have time to get any answers. I always have the answers to K's questions. Well not really. Sometimes I do.
"We're going to get the fuck out of here."
"Yeah." she responds discontent.
"I thought we were going to get more cigarettes." T always brings the real. This infuriates me and I lash out in the middle of K's video.
"No! We've got to get the fuck out of here! Here! I'm not spending the rest of my life here. I'd die. I spear to fucking God i'll die." A little steam.
"Yeah. I'm going back to Italy." K announces with joy. I don't have the heart to tell her.
"Sorry I ruined your video, K."
"It's ok." she laughs.
T walks puts his hand in the mold and begins weeping uncontrollably. It's my job to comfort him. I look at K and she walks over. We join our forces together. We were born to be sisters of the moon tonight, comforting weary travelors across the courtyard. My death must have overcome him. I want him to know that I love him I'm here for him and we are going to get thru this. Fuck the dorm, he will live in my heart.
K and I pick him up off the stone and pull T over to the plaque, a small alter to our heroes. He seems fine and is going to be alright. He always makes it thru.
"You'll make it thru, T, I just know it. You always do, babe. I'm here for you. We're here for you." I want him to know. K gives him a big ol hug and squeezes his ass. He laughs and dangles his feet like a child. K hops up on the alter and offers herself to the sky. She looks at me and mouths 'thank you' and we giggle in triumph. I don't feel so alone. Maybe I didn't die in the war afterall. Instead, I'm taken in by the city lights flashing thru the trees. I don't want to leave, I want to be with them here forever. And we will be together always. I'll never leave. I'll spend the rest of my life here. I look down and dangle my feet from the alter. I'll die before I leave.
Monday, April 21, 2008
You can DL it here:
01 Migrate (featuring T-Pain) (3:45)
02 That Chick (3:31)
03 Touch My Body (3:28)
04 Cruise Control (3:31)
05 Lovin' U Long Time (3:01)
06 4real4real (3:00)
07 Last Kiss (3:37)
08 Thanx 4 Nothin' (3:05)
09 O.O.C (3:27)
10 Once In A Lifetime (interlude) (0:36)
11 I Stay In Love (3:32)
12 Side Effects (featuring Young Jeezy) (4:22)
13 For the Record (3:26)
14 Love Story (3:56)
15 Bye Bye (4:27)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
RIP kevipodmusic
So I'm really sad that he's gone... who else are we going to turn to? Seriously: i'm CHECKED out other blogs, many were his affiliates... and they SUCK!!! I'm so over it. :( And it's not like I can just get on the nonexistent Janet Jackson Forum which used to be a key componenet of Internet Buzz... however it was deleted last year along with the Mariah Carey Forum that was uphauled 3 years ago. Things haven't been the same and it's weird when yer so used to the NECESSARY fast-pacedness of the music world. We're literally set back to the 50's here. HELP!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Experimental Trend Set, Trash and No Star

Friday, January 25, 2008
FINALLY, The Reviews Are In!!!

A solid effort from somewhat veteran Alicia Keys. She shows off her experience with 3 albums notched on her belt. There's little progression from her last record as many songs could unmistakeably be interchangeable between the two. Oh you R&B singers! Alicia still suffers from R&B filler syndrome with too many songs and most of them that drone on and are easily forgotten. However, the ones that do stand out are there for a reason, anchoring Key's collection of consistent R&B songs.

Growing pains indeed. The longer I listened to this bad record the more I wanted to shoot myself. Mary J. Blige surely must have been out of her mind when she decided to release this album of fillers and b-sides at best. It's a bad collection of worse songs catering to a predictable Adult R&B audience of insecure 30-year-old single black woman. Blige offers nothing but jaded advice of loving oneself that she's been shopping since her first record only with a twist of degraded quality. Throwing a bunch of producers on an album no longer constitutes innovation, it's more like suicide. If her last record was the The Breakthrough, surely this is the rush-through.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Post-Daydream Nation
After hearing RAVE and ridiculously positive reviews glorifying Radiohead's IN RAINBOWS, I took a listen. Unimpressed as I was I kept my mouth shut. A few weeks later I see Radiohead's pretentious psycho fans walking around YouTube and attempting to blast my comments about Radiohead offering nothing new or innovative to music. I stand by my opinion.
Has anyone ever heard of a crazy Iclandic singer by the name of... oh... Björk!? OR how about a band called fucking Sonic Youth? Yeah. It's funny because I just came off a Björk-resurgence and I've been on a Sonic Youth kick for the past few months. So when I heard IN RAINBOWS by Radiohead I was actually baffled by the acclaim its received.
Praised for its swirling guitars, droning vocals, and deconstructed sound... that's an entire checklist of the signature Sonic Youth sound. Does anyone listen to good music anymore? Combine with a futuristic synthesized electronic orgy of noise over pop beats... what else could come to mind but Björk?
So to these ignorant shit Radiohead superfans, do your research before you proclaim a 15-year-old sound "revolutionary" and "innovative." Put your Radiohead record on ice and play a fucking Sonic Youth LP. It's already been done so don't TRY to school ME on artistic merit. Besides, listen to the radio and everything's electronic and space anyway, how is this Radiohead record any different from a cut found amongst Timbaland's production credits? Radiohead just lacks the ability to write a constructed song so they take their session hissing and throw it on a record praying it will appear "brilliant" as Rolling Stone claims.
Rolling Stone also issues the statement that "All of it rocks; none of it sounds like any other band on earth; it delivers an emotional punch that proves all other rock stars owe us an apology." Fuck off, Rolling Stone and proceed to swing from Kurt Cobain and Madonna's ballsac.
The only thing else I'll say is how inquisitive I am to see pictures from the recording sessions of IN RAINBOWS. I'm sure you'd find cassette, CD, and vinyl copies of Björk's breathtaking Post (1995) along with Sonic Youth's immaculate 1988 release, Daydream Nation. I want those negatives. Until then, I await the battle of the Diva's: Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, and Madonna are all set to release albums Spring of this year. meow.
In Ribbons
i removed all the weaker tracks and condensed it to incorporate the songs left off the record that should have ANCHORED it.
it's a gorgeous etherial album WELL WORTH a listen. please listen to this record.